Campus Recreation

Upcoming Activities, Events & Programs
Spring Semester Hours | Be sure to check out our hours for the Rec center. Look here. |
Fitness & Wellness | Weekly fitness classes are available for members. View the schedule here. |
Intramural Leagues | Basketball Registration Open & learn more about the Pickball acitivites. |
Adventure Trips | Take a trip and experience the adventures in the Bay Area. |

Providing Services that Encourage an Active Lifestyle

IM Champs
JCE - Fall 2025 IM Basketball Champs. Front Row Kevin Ellis, Nicky Wiltz, Chris Beech, Dante Hauser, Bottom : Saifo Haddad, Michael Manfreda, Andrew Carney, Logan Milestone

Belay On!
Through student enhancement fee funding, efforts led by the Climbing Club, Residence Hall Association, and Campus Recreation refresh the climbing wall at the Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center.

Campus Jobs
Campus Recreation offers a variety of on-campus jobs to enhance your learning experience at Saint Mary's College. We are committed to providing students beneficial work experience.